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A Vision For Chipotle

Man, I love Chipotle.  Goodness wrapped in a burrito.  Chipolte has been very successful creating a niche for their products.  Chipolte started as a humble company, but it quickly grew into a national chain. They have a very simple menu, store, and concept:

“Food with Integrity” is our commitment to always look closer, dig deeper, and work harder to ensure that our actions are making things better, not worse. It’s our promise to run our business in a way that doesn’t exploit animals, people or the environment. It is the philosophy that guides every decision we make at Chipotle.

Chipotle shares a special place in the hearts of poor college students.  For only about $6, you can get something to eat that tastes great and is fresh.  Chipotle has turned this idea into a multi-million dollar business.

Why do some stores or brands fail and other succeed?

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Everyone Needs a Vision

In 1833, an employee at the Patent Office in Washington, D.C., wrote the following letter:

Dear Sir:

Because everything that can be invented has already been invented, it is inevitable that this office should go out of business. Inasmuch as I shall soon lose my position, I hereby resign to look for work elsewhere.


Up to that point, less than 500 patents had been applied for in the United States; but by the time World War I was over, more than 60,000 patents had been issued. Today the number runs in the millions.1

Clearly, that guy lacked vision.  He could of used Lasik for his brain.  We read something like this and think, “Wow, what an idiot.”  How could someone look into the future and believe that there is nothing for them.  This guy did not even give himself a chance to wait to see what happens.  He just gave up.

There has to be a better way of planning, but who can plan for every possible outcome?

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