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We missed our Christian moment, again


As the build up to the Iowa caucus as come and gone, there was a heavy focus on the Evangelical Christian vote as a key to winning.  Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump all sought the support of the voting block of Christians so crucial to winning the GOP nomination. It was Trump who made the greatest public effort towards being “a Christian” and it made all Christians look bad, very bad.

Donald Trump cozied up to Jerry Fallwell Jr. when he spoke at Liberty University to capture support from the traditional support system of Evangelical voters when he said, “Christianity is under siege.” What really made news is that he quoted scripture saying, “Two Corinthians” which prompted laughter among students listening because the reference is “Second Corinthians”.  For the 10,000 students in attendance, Trump accomplished what he sought out to do: to look and act like conservative Christian.

Trump was not finished with his Christian pandering. In a worship service in Iowa, Trump put in his offering money into the communion plate prompting commentators to point out that Trump is not familiar with basic Christian worship. On the eve of the Iowa caucus, Trump posted an online video of his family Bible while carefully pointing out how he would not let “the Evangelicals” down.  In many speeches to crowds he promised to “make Christianity great again”.

It is embarrassing to watch a politician try so hard make himself look like a conservative Evangelical Christian.  It is troubling to see Christianity on display in such parody. It is saddening to watch Christianity be used as a political football for politicos and prognosticators to diagram and dissect.  It is disheartening to watch Christianity be used as stepping stone to the presidency.

We Christians had a moment in the public eye and we missed it. Again.  Continue Reading…


Pregnancy from rape is not God’s intent

By now you have heard of Richard Mourdock, the Indiana Republican Senate candidate who said in a debate:

“I just struggled with it myself for a long time but I came to realize: Life is that gift from God that I think even if life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”

The backlash from these comments have been swift and harsh. Mourdock was quick to distance himself from his comments. He stated that his comments were used to politically advantage his opponent. The problem with this whole story is not necessarily about abortion, but about rape. Did Mourdock mean that rape is intended to happen or that life is intended to happen?

At a dinner for GOP leaders Mourdock said:  Continue Reading…

religion, war on religion

Three reasons why there is no ‘war on religion’

Something is heating up GOP presidential primaries after Mitt Romeny’s win in the Florida primary and it’s not the humidity. GOP leaders are declaring that a war on religion is here. First, it was Rick Perry with his “strong” video that proclaimed a war on religion exists.  Now, it’s Newt Gingrich who tried to harmonize Perry’s message by accusing both Mitt Romney and President Obama: “I think Gov. Romney is extraordinarily insensitive to religious freedom in America and the Obama administration is clearly engaged in a war on religion.”

Religious persecution or a war commanded by Romney or Obama is just not there. Such claims are aimed at charging a base of the electorate to vote in favor of a particular candidate. Why should we believe there isn’t a war on religion?  There are three reasons:

Continue Reading…


Donald Trump: I am a Christian

As the 2012 presidential race heats up, many would-be candidates are launching and engaging in some serious presidential talk.  Mitt Romney just announced that he formed an exploratory committee. Fox News contributor, Mike Huckabee is making the rounds and giving his thoughts on traditional presidential debate topics.  Now, millionaire and reality TV show host, Donald Trump is testing the presidential waters.

Recently, Donald Trump sat down with Christian Broadcasting Network’s (CBN) David Brody and brought up something that he rarely talks about: his religion.

In this exclusive interview, Trump talks about his relationship with God, the church, the bible, being a Presbyterian, and his commitment to attending church.

Trump said: Continue Reading…