
The Christian Image Problem

A recent ACORN undercover video has shown us how important “image” can be.  The video depicted two individuals seeking assistance with their fictitious prostitution operation.  ACORN workers gave pointers on how to avoid certain laws and tax rules.  The result of the undercover video was a disaster for ACORN.  Their funding was pulled by several government agencies and now the IRS is  looking into their organization’s financials.  ACORN’s image has been tarnished.

We too can have an image problem.  How people perceive us is important to our job, family, and standing in the community.  Even false accusations can ruin our life.  We should be conscience of our image, but not obsessive about our image.

Christians have a problem… it’s our image.  Time magazine reported:

Back in 1996, a poll taken by the Barna Group, found that 83% of Americans identified themselves as Christians, and that fewer than 20% of non-Christians held an unfavorable view of Christianity… Barna polls conducted between 2004 and [1997], sampling 440 non-Christians (and a similar number of Christians) aged 16 to 29, found that 38% had a “bad impression” of present-day Christianity.

Yikes!  What is going?  What is everyone’s beef with Christianity?  The Time article explains:

….non-Christians’ biggest complaints about the faith are not immediately theological: Jesus and the Bible get relatively good marks. Rather, he sees resentment as focused on perceived Christian attitudes. Nine out of ten outsiders found Christians too “anti-homosexual,” and nearly as many perceived it as “hypocritical” and “judgmental.” Seventy-five percent found it “too involved in politics.”

The fact is the message of Christianity is not the problem, it is Christians who are the problem.

In Mark 9, the disciples saw an image problem.  There was a man who was casting demon’s out in Jesus’ name, but he did not follow Jesus the way the disciples did.  The disciples were miffed at this man’s lack of identification with Jesus.  To the disciples, the man did not look like the disciples, he did not follow Jesus the way the disciples did, and the disciples did not know the man.  In the disciple’s eyes, this man had an image problem.  Jesus quickly dismisses the disciple’s observation by saying:

Whoever is not against us is for us. 41For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward.

Christians can be just like the disciples in Mark 9.  We are quick to judge, avoid others, and dismiss. This man was doing a good work and because he did not follow the typical Christian “look”, the disciples wanted to cast him away.   Christians often portray an image of being judgmental, hypocritical, and difficult.

That is a problem.

Christians have to be aware of how they portray themselves.  Their image is directly connected to their success of reaching out to others.  You may have a great word about what Christ can do for people, but if your actions do not follow your words then you are not going to form loving relationships.  We as Christians must be mindful of what “image” is portrayed.  Are we showing everyone that we are a bunch of wackos?  Sure, people are going to disagree with us, but if they think we are terrible people nobody is going to want to hear the Gospel message.

Again, we must not be overly concerned with our image to the point where we are self absorbed, but we must be “with it” enough to understand how people see us.  It’s not the message that rubs people the wrong way, its the messenger.

Remember what Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the gospel at all times — If necessary, use words.”

Pentecost 17b


1 Comment

  • Reply @erp11 April 11, 2012 at 9:25 pm

    You know what Gandhi said “I would’ve believed in Christ, but for the Christians”…
    No amount of fluffy marketing can outdo the power of the Holy Spirit in a yielded, humble believer who wholeheartedly lives their life according to the Holy Bible (KJV)…
    That’s what the world really wants to encounter when they meet someone who says they believe in Christ… not just some watered-down “Golden Book Story” with an iPhone App who declares “believe in Jesus and you will have favor, riches, happiness, a hunky husband and a great job”…

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